This is the privacy policy of Átlátszó Erdély ( website which provides all relevant information regarding the collection of your personal data on donation systems and mailing lists of
We need to gather personal data for the donation systems and mailing lists of Átlátszó Erdély in order to keep in touch with our small donors and readers. Below you can find information on the legal aspects of our privacy policy.
Your personal data is processed by Asociaţia „Atlatszo Erdely Egyesulet” Association (Address: Petuniei 9/52 400316 Cluj-Napoca, represented by: Sipos László Zoltán as President, email:, mobile phone:+40740530070).
The data controller preserves the confidentiality of your personal data not published on Átlátszó Erdély ( and manages these on an encrypted and password protected IT system. Data are stored on the MailChimp mailing system.
The collected personal data can only be accessed by senior staff and employees with data processing responsibilities.
The collection and protection of your data complies with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (henceforth: GDPR).
You can request information on which kind of personal data we collect and for what reason, and how we manage these personal data. You can also ask for a copy of all your personal data we collected. We issue the copy of your personal data, on your request, in an articulate, widely used, readable and interoperable form, free of charge.
We can only ensure your rights of disposition and access – due to data protection reasons – if we can identify you beforehand. For this reason we ask that you send all your requests, declarations or complaints related to data protection issues to the email address from the email address that you used to register to Átlátszó Erdély’s system of donations and mailing list. If you fail to do so, you will need to identify yourself to exercise your rights. You can also use the email address for suggestions regarding our privacy policy.
In case of any illegal use of your personal data or any breach of your information self-determination rights you can take legal action at the Cluj Court of Law (Tribunalul Cluj – Dorobanţilor Road 2-4, postal code 400117) or the court of law which has jurisdiction over your place of residence, or you may turn to the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data (Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal – G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru Road 28-30, District 1, postal code 010336 Bucharest,
We collect the name of the person, and if the person donates to us through PayPal/EuPlatesc interface, then we also collect their email address. In case of our mailing list subscribers, we collect their name and email. The reason for collecting these data is subsequent communication with our small donors (sending them thank you emails and informing them systematically about our work).
The collector gives no access to any person except the collector and the processor about the data of the donors and subscribers (name, email) without your previous consent – apart from fulfilling their legal, official or judicially determined duties.
We collect the contact data of our small donors and subscribers until they withdraw their consent to do so.
The small donor or the subscriber can withdraw their consent regarding the collection of their data at any time and they can also request the limitation of the use of their data. In these cases these data are deleted without delay.
In case or erroneous data recording or changes in your data you can of course ask for data correction.
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